
Loving on my Canaries (Fall 2013)

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Is this real life?!

As I write this blog, I am looking out over the beautiful mountains surrounding Antigua from the patio outside my room. Did I just type that? My room. I have a room! Is this seriously my life right now?! I can hardly believe this is really happening!

Well, I just wanted to let you all know that I made it here safely. I got to meet some missionaries from Florida that were on both of my flights with me. They are going to be working in Antigua at a ministry center where they have some childrens' programs and interns from the states who are learning to be missionaries. And they invited me to come visit sometime this week while they are there!

My room has a great view! My doors open right onto the patio that looks over a little courtyard. And I have a view of the mountains and Agua (a dormant volcano) from my bed (when the clouds aren't covering them). I've got a little tv, a dresser, a comfy bed, and a desk made out of an old sewing cool is that?! But, this is only my temporary room. It is very nice and I love the view, but a room that is twice the size downstairs is opening up in a few days so I will be moving to that one. I'll miss looking out from my bed and seeing the beautiful plants and mountains, but I'm looking forward to a larger room where the wifi actually works (right now I have to go onto the patio to use it and as it is currently my only means of communication that's kind of a pain). And I can always come upstairs to the patio when I want to see the view.

Well, my computer battery is running low so I have to go back into my room to plug it it. But here are a few pictures of where I'm staying:
My keys!

My bed
It's a sewing machine!! (well, it was)

View from my room
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Panorama of my room
Sitting on my bed, this is what I see (it was much prettier before the clouds rolled in)
Panorama of the patio area
Cool table outside my room...
...made from an old sewing machine and an old door!

I'll update you all again soon!

Love Always,

P.S. I'm still fundraising so please keep me in your prayers!! If you would like to help support me, see my previous blog post for details. Thank you!!

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